Contraception Ended, Mom Becomes Pregnant Again

Pregnancy After Contraception - Back to Being a Pregnant Woman

Moms and Dads are looking for ways to get pregnant again quickly after stopping contraception. To know how, read the explanation below.

After finishing using contraception, Moms may hope that pregnancy will happen soon. However, it needs to be understood that the process of getting pregnant after contraception can take time for some women.

There are several factors that can affect Moms in waiting for pregnancy after stopping the use of contraception, including Moms’ physical condition and the type of contraception used. Find out a more complete explanation of pregnancy after contraception here.

Factors Affecting Pregnancy After Contraception

In fact, Moms can immediately experience pregnancy anytime after stopping the use of contraception. However, there are several factors that influence the occurrence of pregnancy after contraception, namely:

1. Type of contraception used

The type of contraception used previously can affect the time required to become fertile again after discontinuation.

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For example, if Moms used hormonal contraception such as contraceptive injections or birth control pills, it takes several months for the body’s hormones to return to normal levels after discontinuation.

Therefore, it is recommended to stop using hormonal contraception a few months before planning a pregnancy.

2. Mom’s physical condition

Moms’ physical health condition also plays an important role in the possibility of pregnancy. Factors such as reproductive health, healthy weight, and a good diet can affect fertility and the body’s ability to become pregnant.

3. Mom’s Age

In addition to the two factors above, Moms’ age is also an important factor in fertility. Older women tend to have more difficulty getting pregnant than younger women. After the age of 35, a woman’s fertility naturally declines, and the risk of pregnancy complications also increases.

4. Genetic Factors

A factor that affects Moms’ pregnancy is genetic factors. If Moms have a family history of fertility problems, such as early menopause or hormonal disorders, this can affect the likelihood of pregnancy. Genetic factors can also affect the quality of sperm in male partners, which also plays a role in the likelihood of pregnancy.

5. Dad’s Reproductive

Health In addition to Moms’ health and readiness, Dad’s reproductive health is also very important. Disorders in the reproductive system such as varicocele in men or endometriosis in women can make fertilization difficult. Fertility tests and reproductive health checks on Dad can help identify potential problems and plan appropriate treatment steps.

6. Lifestyle Factors

An unhealthy lifestyle can affect fertility. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and an unbalanced diet can disrupt hormonal balance and interfere with the menstrual cycle. Exposure to harmful chemicals, such as pesticides or chemicals in household products, can also have a negative impact on fertility. Make sure Moms have avoided all of this, so that a healthy pregnancy can occur.

7. Stress Factors

Prolonged stress can disrupt the functioning of the reproductive system. Stress hormones, such as cortisol, can affect the production of reproductive hormones and interfere with the menstrual cycle. This can cause irregular or even stopped ovulation, which in turn can affect the likelihood of pregnancy.

8. Diseases or Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions can affect a woman’s fertility, such as endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, or thyroid disorders. Hormonal imbalances or structural problems in the reproductive system can make pregnancy difficult. Men can also experience fertility problems due to varicocele or other hormonal disorders.

Pregnancy Program After Contraception

The pregnancy or promil program after using contraception involves a series of steps and planning that Moms need to go through to increase the chances of pregnancy. Here are some steps that can be taken in the pregnancy program after contraception:

1. Consultation with a doctor

The first important step is to consult with a doctor or reproductive health expert. The doctor can conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the reproductive health of Moms and Dad and provide appropriate advice to increase the chances of pregnancy.

2. Fertility examination

The doctor may recommend a fertility examination to evaluate the ability of Dad and Moms to produce healthy eggs and sperm. This examination can include blood tests to measure reproductive hormone levels and sperm tests to measure sperm count and quality.

3. Discontinuation of contraception

If Moms are using hormonal contraception such as birth control pills or injections, the doctor may recommend stopping their use several months before planning a pregnancy. This is necessary so that the body’s hormones return to normal levels and the menstrual cycle can fully recover.

4. Lifestyle changes

Dad and Moms can make healthy lifestyle changes to increase the chances of pregnancy. This includes avoiding smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, maintaining a healthy weight, and consuming healthy foods rich in nutrients.

5. Monitor Ovulation

Identifying the time of ovulation is the key to increasing the chances of pregnancy. Moms can use ovulation tests or monitor their basal body temperature to determine when ovulation occurs and the most fertile times for sexual intercourse.

6. Fertility Treatment

If Dad and Moms have difficulty getting pregnant after a few months of trying, the doctor may recommend fertility treatments such as hormonal therapy, intrauterine insemination (IUI), or in vitro fertilization (IVF) as the next step.

7. Monitoring and Support

During the pregnancy program, it is important to continue monitoring reproductive health and getting emotional support from the partner and family. Obtaining support from a doctor or counselor can also help address the stress and anxiety that may occur during this process.

Every couple has a unique journey in achieving pregnancy after contraception. With proper planning, adequate support, and appropriate care, Dad and Moms can increase their chances of getting pregnant and realizing the dream of having a child.

Artikel ini ditinjau secara medis oleh dr. Chitra Fatimah


  • Gayatri, M., et al. (2022). Pregnancy Resumption Following Contraceptive Discontinuation: Hazard Survival Analysis of the Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey Data 2007, 2012 and 2017. PloS one, 17(2), pp. E0264318. 
  • The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2022). Treating Infertility
  • Johns Hopkins Medicine (2022). Calculating Your Monthly Fertility Window
  • Mayo Clinic (2021). Getting Pregnant
  • Web MD (2022). Stopping the Pill? 10 Ways Your Body May Change.

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