Understanding the Causes of Dismaturity and How to Prevent It

Understanding the Causes of Dismaturity and How to Prevent It

Dismaturity occurs when a baby is born with low birth weight, which can pose several health risks.

Dismaturity is a condition where a baby is born with a weight below the expected weight for their gestational age. Normally, a baby’s weight ranges from 2,500 grams or 2.5 kg to 3,500 grams or 3.5 kg. However, a baby born with a weight below 2.5 kg is considered to have low birth weight, even if the pregnancy is full-term, and is therefore classified as dismature.

A baby’s birth weight is also a determinant of their health condition, influencing their development while in the womb. Generally, low birth weight (LBW) occurs in premature babies born before 37 weeks of gestation, but it can also occur in full-term pregnancies.

The condition of dismaturity in a baby can lead to various health problems, which parents need to be aware of as it can affect the child’s growth and development, both in the short and long term.

Causes of Dismaturity in Babies

Dismaturity in babies can be caused by several conditions, such as:

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1. Nutritional problems in pregnant mothers

When pregnant mothers do not receive a balanced and sufficient intake of nutrients, it can lead to the fetus not growing and developing properly. Pregnant women need essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins, minerals, and calories to support their health and the development of the fetus they are carrying.

2. Unhealthy habits during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is crucial for mothers to maintain their health and avoid bad habits that could interfere with fetal development. Habits such as smoking, consuming alcohol, and using illegal drugs can harm the health of the fetus. These harmful substances can reduce blood flow to the fetus and cause various health problems, including dismaturity.

3. Blood vessel disorders and hypertension

High blood pressure or hypertension, and disorders in the mother’s blood vessels, can affect blood flow to the placenta, which is responsible for delivering nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. If blood flow is disrupted, the fetus’s growth will also be affected, leading to underdevelopment relative to the gestational age.

4. Problems with the placenta

The placenta is an organ that provides oxygen and nutrients from the mother to the fetus and removes waste from the fetus’s blood. The placenta develops throughout pregnancy and produces essential hormones to maintain the pregnancy. If there are issues with the placenta, the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus may be hindered, which can affect the fetus’s growth and result in dismaturity.

5. Intrauterine infection (TORCH)

Fetuses that contract infections during pregnancy, such as Rubella, Toxoplasmosis, Cytomegalovirus, and Herpes (known as TORCH infections), can experience disrupted growth and development, leading to low birth weight.

Signs of Dismaturity in Babies

Babies with dismaturity have physical characteristics that can be easily recognized. Some signs and symptoms include:

  • Hair on the baby’s head is thicker and longer than other babies of the same age
  • The baby’s skin appears dry, loose, and even peeling
  • The baby’s body is thin with little fat under the arms
  • Fingernails and toenails grow long at birth
  • More prone to jaundice, where the baby’s skin and eyes appear yellow due to increased bilirubin levels in the baby’s blood
    Babies with dismaturity may also show signs of underdeveloped organs, such as the heart and digestive system not being fully developed.

Health Risks in Babies

Dismature babies are born with a lower birth weight than they should be. This condition can lead to various health risks and complications, such as:

  • Respiratory problems
  • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
  • Hyperbilirubinemia
  • Impaired growth and development
  • Body temperature regulation issues

How to Prevent Dismaturity in Babies

Having a normal and healthy baby is the dream of every expecting couple. To prevent dismaturity in babies, here are some steps you can take:

1. Regular prenatal check-ups

During pregnancy, it is important to regularly visit the doctor for check-ups. In addition to monitoring the growth and development of the fetus, regular check-ups also help prevent low birth weight. Routine ultrasound examinations can also help mothers observe the condition of the baby.

2. Consume nutritious food

During pregnancy, mothers should maintain a healthy lifestyle, especially by consuming nutritious food. Make sure to fulfill the proper intake of nutrients, such as protein, calories, vitamins, and minerals. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle not only supports the mother’s health but also helps increase the baby’s weight according to the pregnancy’s gestational age.

3. Avoid unhealthy habits during pregnancy

To prevent the baby from experiencing dismaturity, mothers should avoid unhealthy habits during pregnancy. These habits include consuming alcohol, smoking, and using illegal drugs.

That’s the explanation regarding dismaturity. It is important for mothers to regularly check their pregnancy with the doctor to prevent dismaturity early on.


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