Understanding Fertility Doctors and When It’s the Right Time for Consultation

Fertility Doctors and the Right Time for a Consultation

Consultations with fertility doctors are usually conducted for couples experiencing fertility issues or infertility problems. For parents-to-be who are planning to conceive, there may be confusion about which doctor to consult. A fertility doctor is a specialist in the field of fertility. Not only do they help parents-to-be achieve pregnancy, but they also assist couples facing fertility issues.

Fertility problems or infertility is a condition experienced by couples who have difficulty conceiving after being married for one year or more and regularly having unprotected intercourse. As the name suggests, a fertility specialist helps couples address these challenges.

What Can Be Treated by a Fertility Doctor?

Fertility doctors are divided into two types: gynecologists or obstetricians and andrologists. Both specialists in their respective fields address fertility issues and reproductive disorders in both women and men.

Obstetrician-Gynecologist (OB-GYN) Specialist

An OB-GYN specialist helps examine and address fertility or reproductive issues in women. These conditions may be caused by medical conditions or certain diseases. Some reproductive issues commonly experienced by women include menstrual disorders, reproductive system disorders, hormonal imbalances, reproductive organ cancers, and assistance in pregnancy programs.

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Menstrual Disorders

A fertility OB-GYN specialist can assist women experiencing menstrual disorders, such as irregular cycles or excessive pain during menstruation.

Reproductive System Disorders

The reproductive system is quite complex. When there are issues with a woman’s reproductive organs, such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, or ovarian cysts, these conditions can be treated by a fertility OB-GYN specialist.

Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal issues are one of the causes of reproductive system disorders, such as pain during intercourse, vaginal dryness, and reduced sexual desire in women.

Reproductive Organ Cancers

Cancers can also affect a woman’s reproductive organs, such as cervical cancer, uterine cancer, and ovarian cancer. These types of cancers are serious and can disrupt the function of the reproductive organs. Before determining a pregnancy program, the doctor will collaborate with an oncology specialist to prevent cancers that may pose risks to women.

Helping Couples Plan Pregnancy

Fertility OB-GYN specialists can certainly help couples who wish to plan a pregnancy. A series of examinations will be conducted to assess the condition of the reproductive organs, and treatments will be prescribed to improve fertility. If natural conception is not possible, the doctor may plan a pregnancy program using assisted reproductive technologies such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Andrology Specialist

If you think consultations for men and women are conducted by the same doctor, that’s not the case. If the woman is examined by a fertility OB-GYN specialist, the man will be examined by an andrology specialist.

An andrology specialist helps address fertility issues as well as problems related to the male reproductive organs. Some fertility problems men may experience include hormonal imbalances, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and even penile injury.

When Should You Consult a Fertility Doctor?

  • In general, you should consult a fertility doctor if you and your partner are facing fertility issues and are planning to conceive. Additionally, you can consult a fertility doctor if you experience the following conditions:
  • You have been unable to conceive after more than a year of marriage.
  • You want to plan a pregnancy but have irregular menstrual cycles.
  • The man or woman has been diagnosed with cancer but still wishes to conceive while maintaining fertility.
  • Couples who wish to undergo permanent contraception methods like tubal ligation or vasectomy.

That is an explanation regarding fertility doctors, their expertise, and when it’s the right time to consult them. Don’t hesitate to consult a fertility doctor to assess your fertility!


  • UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine. What Does a Fertility Doctor Do? 
  • Washington University Physicians. Fertility & Reproductive Medicine
  • Reproductive Health & Wellness Center. What is a Fertility Specialist Doctor? 

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