The Importance of Family Support in Facing IVF Failure

Although having a high success rate, the IVF program also has the risk of failure leading to various feelings..
For couples facing infertility issues, the IVF program is one of the options to have children. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one of the assisted reproductive technology (ART) methods.
This pregnancy program has more complex procedures compared to other assisted pregnancy methods. Therefore, the cost of IVF is also higher compared to others. For parents undergoing the IVF program, they certainly need stable physical, mental, and financial conditions because the process is quite lengthy.
The IVF program indeed has a higher chance of success but it doesn’t mean it will always be successful. There are several factors that affect IVF failure, such as the mother’s age, uterine condition, lifestyle, and the father’s sperm condition.
If parents experience failure in this process, then the role of family and friends is crucial in such circumstances. Why is that?
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The Role of Family and Friends
The success rate of the IVF pregnancy program certainly depends on the conditions of each patient. Therefore, the risk of IVF failure may occur. This failure can affect the psychological condition of women undergoing IVF.
This is why the role of family, friends, and close people is important in providing moral support for prospective mothers undergoing the IVF program. Especially, physical, emotional, and financial support are very necessary in this pregnancy.
It is not uncommon for prospective mothers to experience IVF failure more than once, causing various feelings to overwhelm them. This condition often makes prospective mothers afraid to start the pregnancy program again.
Failing in undergoing IVF is a challenge that affects emotions, thus halting the motivation of couples to fight for offspring.
What to Do When IVF Fails?
Feelings of sadness, anger, frustration, and even depression are normal when facing failure in IVF cycles. However, parents need to remember that there is still a chance of success in the next IVF cycle. Therefore, if you want to undergo IVF again, it’s best for parents to consult with a doctor regarding the evaluation of the failure in the previous cycle.
Besides knowing the causes of failure, parents can also maximize efforts and help increase the chances of success in the next cycle. Give yourself time but don’t give up on the first failure. Remember, #ThereIsAlwaysHope for parents who never give up the fight.
This article has been medically reviewed by Dr. Chitra Fatimah.
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