Menstrual pain during menstruation is a normal thing experienced by women. But there is also excessive menstrual pain that interferes with activities. In addition to interfering with activities during the day, menstrual pain can also cause difficulty sleeping at night. Menstrual pain is caused by abdominal cramps due to the tightened muscles due to contractions of the uterus. However, there are some sleeping positions you can do to reduce menstrual pain.
Another factor that causes difficulty sleeping is hormonal changes in the body during menstruation. Sleep problems are common in America, 35 percent of adults experience sleep disorders in which women are more likely to experience insomnia than. One of the causes is hormonal changes caused by the menstrual cycle.
Hormonal changes experienced before menstruation in the form of physical and emotional changes simultaneously cause a shift in hormone production. These hormonal changes cause premenstrual syndrome (PMS), in some women the most severe disorder causing premenstrual dysphoric (PMDD).
The following physical changes caused by hormonal changes cause difficulty sleeping:
Tender or swollen breasts;
Constipation or diarrhea;
Sensitivity to noise and light;
Decreased concentration and memory;
Sadness, anxiety, irritability, and mood swings;
Changes in sex drive;
Sleeping too much or not enough;
Causes of Menstrual Pain
Although menstrual pain is normal during menstruation, several factors cause menstrual pain. Normal menstrual pain is caused by the muscles tightening due to contractions in the uterus.
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In addition, there are abnormal contractions caused by other health problems, such as endometriosis, fibroids, cysts, to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
Sleeping Positions for Menstrual Pain
Determining the sleeping position is very important at the time of menstrual pain. Because, taking the wrong sleeping position can make you feel uncomfortable, making it difficult to close your eyes.
The fetal sleeping position can help relieve menstrual cramps and pain by reducing pressure on the abdominal muscles. Sleeping on your back or your side is also very helpful in recording menstrual pain.
Fetal Position
One of the causes of difficulty sleeping during menstruation is menstrual pain. The correct sleeping position can help reduce pain during menstruation. This is important to restore the quality of sleep for the better.
Fetal position is a position that is similar to the position of the fetus in the womb. Fetal position, applying the sleeping position curled up on your side by bending your legs forward to your chest. This sleeping position provides many benefits to the body.
The side-lying position can reduce pressure on the abdominal muscles. During menstruation, the pressure on the abdominal muscles can cause pain and cramping.
Fetal position can also relax the muscles of the buttocks that are tensed more than usual. This is a symptom of menstrual pain that is often experienced.
Side-Lying Position
The side-lying position can also help relieve menstrual pain. Lie on your side with your lower legs straight and your upper legs bent towards your stomach. This position is like sleeping with a bolster hugging condition.
Sleeping on your side can make your stomach more relaxed and can increase your breathing capacity. This condition can also provide more oxygen supply so that it can improve the quality of sleep for the better.
Lying/Supine Position
The supine sleeping position is fairly common. This position apparently can help relieve stomach cramps during menstruation. The supine position can minimize pressure on the uterus.
This supine position is very beneficial for the spine, hip, and knee pain that is often felt during menstruation. So that the supine position is very helpful to overcome menstrual pain.
However, in some cases, some women are uncomfortable with sleeping on their back during menstruation. This can be overcome by placing a pillow under the knee for a more comfortable sleeping position.
Although sometimes sleeping positions often provide discomfort during menstruation, using additional aids can help improve sleep quality.
Another way that can be tried is to add a pillow as support. Place a pillow under your waist. It is very beneficial for the nervous and digestive systems.
Sleeping Positions to Avoid During Menstruation
In addition to the recommended sleeping positions to help relieve menstrual pain, there are sleeping positions that should be avoided. This is because the sleeping position has the potential to make painful menstrual contractions worse and can lead to more severe bleeding.
Prone Position
Sleeping on the stomach is not recommended during menstruation can cause muscle contraction pressure to be greater. This will certainly reduce the quality of sleep due to uncomfortable pain. The prone sleeping position also often results in structural problems and problems with the neck.
Natural Ways to Reduce Menstrual Pain
In addition to sleeping positions, there are several other ways to reduce menstrual pain, one of which is taking drugs, such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and paracetamol.
However, these drugs cannot be consumed by everyone. Ibuprofen and aspirin are not recommended for people with asthma, kidney, and liver disease. Neither of these drugs should be taken by children under the age of 16.
Without drugs, you can naturally reduce menstrual pain. Where this method can also be done easily at home.
Compress the stomach with warm water;
Take a warm bath;
Reduce excessive stress;
Quit smoking;
Taking supplements.; and
In addition to the methods above, you can reduce menstrual pain with yoga. Some yoga poses can help to reduce pain during menstruation. Not only that, but yoga can also make a more comfortable sleeping position so that the quality of sleep becomes better.
Butterfly Pose
This yoga pose, known as the butterfly pose, can be done sitting or lying down. The butterfly stroke can be useful for reducing pain in the pelvic area. This can help to overcome menstrual pain.
The method is quite easy:
Position the body in a sitting position;
Bend the legs so that the soles of the feet touch each other;
Push the body forward so that the body is slightly bent;
Do this style for 3-5 minutes while breathing deeply.
Although this method is easy to do, be careful with knee injuries. To overcome this, you can provide a pillow as support under the knee.
Supine Twist Pose
The supine twist pose is also called the cat pose. This pose can help relieve menstrual pain by stretching the lower back which stimulates blood flow. This yoga pose can also help with low back pain. The supine twist pose is great in the morning.
The method is quite easy:
Lie down on the mat;
Bend the knee to the right or the left, with the other leg straight;