Dr. Febriyan Nicolas Kengsiswoyo
Specialization: Sp.OG
Dr. Febriyan Nicolas Kengsiswoyo, Sp.OG, M.Kes or who is usually called dr. Nico is a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology who graduated from Maranatha University, Bandung. Graduated with the title “Cum Laude”, dr. Nico has a number of experiences in several hospitals in Bandung.
Dr. Nico continued his specialization in obstetrics and gynecology at the Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar. While studying obstetrics and gynecology, his strong desire to learn made him also choose to continue the Master of Health Biomedical program at Hasanuddin University.
Dr. Nico has a list of trainings and certificates that he participated in, including the Scientific Program of the 7th ISUOG Indonesia Approved Course and National Symposium Certificate, Certificate of attendance LIFE (Learning Initiatives for Fertility Experts) by PERFITRI, KOGI XVII Practical Hysteroscopy Workshop and Training, and many more.
As a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, dr. Nico is also actively involved in a number of organizations, including the Indonesian In Vitro Fertilization Association (PERFITRI), an active member of the Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction (ASPIRE), and several other organizations.
Dr. Nico has been in IVF since 2017. As a fertility expert, dr. Nico also has a certificate of competence in the field of Assisted Reproductive Technology (TRB).
Hardworking, patience, easygoing, and responsible person. Those are what dr. Nico use in helping married couples to have children.