dr. beeleonie

dr. Beeleonie, BMedSc, SpOG - KFER

Speciality: BMedSc, SpOG – KFER

Dr. Beeleonie, BMedSc, SpOG – KFER or usually called dr. Bee graduated best in her class with a double degree from University of Indonesia and University of Melbourne. Dr. Bee continued her medical specialization in Obstetrics and Gynecology from University of Indonesia. Dr. Bee is a certified consultant in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility from University of Indonesia with years of experience in helping families to conceive.

As an active researcher and trainer at Indonesia Reproductive and Research Centre, she is always at the forefront of new knowledge breakthroughs in In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), keeping up with contemporary infertility research and translating them into her practice.

She finds joy in sharing her interest in good food, music, and dance with her cheeky but delightful children. Understanding that parenting is a wonderful yet challenging experience, dr. Bee is committed to support women wishing to become mothers and mothers-to-be throughout their maternal journey.

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