Maintaining Mother’s Fertility for a Happy Family

A mother’s fertility is one of the crucial factors for couples who want to have children. However, there are several conditions that can disrupt fertility.
Pregnancy can occur when both parents’ fertility is in optimal condition. It’s not solely the responsibility of one party; both sides must contribute. Women’s fertility can be assessed through the condition of their eggs, uterus, and other reproductive organs. Therefore, it’s important for mothers to undergo fertility examinations.
Facts About Women’s Fertility
Is a healthy woman always fertile? Not necessarily, Mom. According to Dr. Ferry Darmawan, Sp.OG, MIGS, a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at Bocah Indonesia, women who experience infertility issues can be caused by structural factors such as fibroids or problems with the fallopian tubes.
“Fertility problems on the mother’s side can be caused by structural abnormalities, such as polyps, fibroids, cysts, or issues with the fallopian tubes or egg ducts. It can also be due to ovulation disorders,” says Dr. Ferry Darmawan.
1. Age Affects Fertility
In women, age can affect fertility. Women over the age of 35 will significantly decrease in fertility. This is because the egg reserve diminishes with age.
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Therefore, women over 35 may need extra effort to conceive.
2. Lifestyle Impacts Fertility
Did you know, Mom, that lifestyle affects fertility? An unhealthy lifestyle can trigger various medical conditions related to reproductive organs. Some unhealthy lifestyles that can cause health problems include smoking, alcohol and caffeine consumption, and being either overweight or underweight.
Smoking. This bad habit can negatively affect your health and fertility because it can deplete the ovarian reserve and cause eggs to deplete prematurely.
Alcohol and caffeine consumption. These habits can increase the risk of ovulation disorders.
Excess or low body weight. This condition can lead to hormonal imbalances that disrupt ovulation. If this condition persists, it can lead to difficulty in getting pregnant.
Therefore, according to Dr. Beeleonie, B.MedSc, Sp.OG.Subsp.FER, a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology and consultant in endocrinology and fertility at Bocah Indonesia, it is advisable to improve your lifestyle to a healthier one before attempting to conceive.
“So, if Mom or Dad is overweight, try to reach the ideal weight first. If there is excess bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol, it’s better to normalize it first. Especially if there is excess or high blood sugar, which we call diabetes, then blood sugar levels should be controlled before starting a pregnancy program,” says Dr. Beeleonie.
Dr. Beeleonie also adds that this applies to couples with underweight conditions. In such cases, it is necessary to increase body weight to reach the ideal weight.
3. The Fertile Window Offers a High Chance of Pregnancy
If you and your partner want a higher chance of success in getting pregnant, one of the methods to consider is having intercourse during the fertile window. This is because it is the most fertile time for sexual intercourse, increasing the chances of pregnancy.
Causes of Infertility Issues
Infertility problems in women can be caused by various medical conditions, including:
- Ovulation disorders. Disrupted ovulation processes prevent a woman from releasing an egg ready for fertilization.
- Blocked fallopian tubes. Blockages in the fallopian tubes can prevent sperm from meeting the egg inside the uterus, hindering fertilization.
- Endometriosis. The treatment of endometriosis usually involves surgical removal, which can result in scar tissue formation. Scar tissue can block the fallopian tubes and hinder fertilization.
- Unexplained infertility. This condition refers to infertility without a known cause, despite extensive testing.
- Other medical conditions (fibroids, polyps, cysts, etc.). Various medical conditions can disrupt fertility.
What Should You Do for Fertility Examinations?
Fertility examinations are important for married women who have had sexual intercourse without contraception for a year or more without achieving pregnancy.
A woman’s fertility condition can be determined through basic examinations such as transvaginal ultrasound (USG). The USG results will be consulted with a specialist obstetrician and gynecologist.
At Bocah Indonesia, this procedure is called Fertility Workup Obgyn. You will have a consultation with a specialist obgyn regarding the USG results.
Don’t worry if you experience fertility issues, Mom. Remember, you are not alone. Let’s get yourself checked with Fertility Workup Obgyn at Bocah Indonesia.
- Delbaere, I., et al. (2020). Knowledge about the impact of age on fertility: a brief review. Ups J Med Sci. 2020; 125(2): 167–174.
- American Pregnancy Association. Trying to Conceive After Age 35.