Is Specialized Nutritional Counseling Before Pregnancy Really Important?
A number of nutrients must be met when the mother is undergoing a pregnancy program. These nutrients are needed so that the mother can avoid the risk of complications from pregnancy disorders.
Pre-pregnancy specialized nutritional counseling is an important step in preparing the body for a healthy and successful pregnancy. By knowing the right nutritional needs before pregnancy, the mother has a greater chance of achieving a successful pregnancy and giving birth to a healthy baby.
During the pre-pregnancy period, adequate nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting the mother’s health and the development of the future baby. This nutritional counseling aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the types of foods that must be consumed, the nutrients needed, and a balanced and healthy diet.
The Importance of Specialized Pre-Pregnancy Nutritional Counseling One of the reasons why specialized pre-pregnancy nutritional counseling is important is because there are many women who do not consume a balanced, nutritious diet before becoming pregnant. As a result, many pregnant women do not have a nutritional status that meets the needs of pregnancy.
For example, to meet the body’s needs and support fetal development, ideally the mother needs to add about 300 extra calories during the first trimester of pregnancy. With the condition that the source of calories and all the food consumed must be healthy and balanced.
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Unfortunately, not many pregnant women are aware of information about pre-pregnancy nutritional needs. Therefore, conducting counseling before trying to get pregnant is very important.
There are a number of benefits to doing pre-pregnancy nutritional counseling that the mother can get, such as:
- Increase the potential for a safe pregnancy
- Maintain the health of the mother and fetus
- Reduce the risk of pregnancy complications
To do specialized pre-pregnancy counseling, the mother can visit a clinical nutrition specialist doctor. This way of having a healthy pregnancy needs to be done long before the mother is positively declared pregnant!
Special Nutrition Needed Before Pregnancy
Before pregnancy, it is best for the mother to get used to consuming a variety of fresh, cooked, healthy, and balanced foods and drinks. Also make sure that the following nutrients are included in the various foods the mother consumes.
1. Folate
Folate plays an important role in preventing neural tube defects in babies, which are conditions of brain and spinal cord abnormalities that can cause paralysis, incontinence, and intellectual disabilities.
Well, this type of B vitamin also has a synthetic form called folic acid that can be found in supplements and nutritious foods.
Mothers are recommended to consume about 400 micrograms of folate every day during pregnancy according to Stanford Children’s Health. Folate can be found in dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, beans, peas, oranges, and eggs.
Also make sure the mother consumes supplements containing folic acid. Folic acid is most beneficial when consumed during the first 28 days after conception. During this time frame, most of the risk of neural tube defects occurs.
Therefore, folic acid is important to consume before conception and throughout pregnancy.
2. Iron Menstruation
can cause the mother to have low iron reserves. In fact, iron reserves are very much needed to support the preparation of the mother’s body to be ready to facilitate the needs of the fetus during pregnancy.
Sources of iron can be obtained by the mother from a number of foods, such as beef, chicken, sardines, and oysters. However, make sure that the source of iron is consumed in a cooked state, mother.
In addition, iron is contained in green vegetables, such as water spinach, radish, mustard greens, and broccoli. Green beans and peas can also be an option because both contain iron.
3. Calcium
Calcium is needed to help facilitate the mother’s circulatory, nervous, and muscular systems. This nutrient is also needed for the formation of the baby’s bones and teeth.
According to Stanford Children’s Health, if the calcium needs are not met during pregnancy, the fetus will take calcium from the mother’s bones. This can increase the risk of osteoporosis or bone loss due to decreased bone density in the future.
During pregnancy, mothers are advised to meet their calcium intake of 1,000 milligrams per day. This amount is equivalent to consuming three servings of milk or other dairy products every day. Choose high-calcium, low-fat or fat-free dairy products.
4. Protein
Protein is an important nutrient that the mother needs before pregnancy. This nutrient can support the growth of the mother’s breast and uterine tissues during pregnancy.
Protein is also beneficial for supporting the growth of the baby’s tissues and organs, such as the brain. Sources of protein that the mother can consume include lean beef or chicken, salmon, peas, and beans.
That’s the list of nutrients that the mother should fulfill before pregnancy. The levels of these nutrients need to be adjusted according to the mother’s age and physical activity level.
Therefore, make sure the mother does a special pre-pregnancy nutrition counseling to know the right nutritional needs for her.
This article has been medically reviewed by Dr. Chitra Fatimah.
- Stanford Children’s Health. Nutrition Before Pregnancy. 2024
- Cleveland Clinic. Preconception Counseling. 2024
- Kemenkes. Gizi Seimbang Ibu Hamil. 2022