Fertility problems or infertility can be experienced by women as well as men. The causes of infertility in men are different from women. Generally, fertility problems experienced by men are caused by health factors leading to an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, there are some ways you can do to increase men’s fertility
If you want to plan a pregnancy program, your partner’s fertility is certainly a major factor in producing offspring. To increase the chances of getting pregnant, male and female fertility must be optimal. But unfortunately not all couples have good enough fertility.
Causes of Infertility in Men
Problems do not only occur in the health of the female reproductive organs but also in men. Poor sperm quality can be a failure of the couple’s planned pregnancy program.
Poor sperm quality
A common cause of infertility in men is poor quality semen, the fluid containing sperm that is secreted during intercourse.
Factors that cause poor sperm quality:
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Low sperm count;
The movement of sperm that is not good makes it more difficult for sperm to swim to the egg;
Abnormal sperm shape;
The Testicles
testes can be one of the causes of infertility in men. The testes are the site for producing and storing sperm. If damaged, it can greatly affect sperm quality.
Ejaculation disorders
Some men experience ejaculation problems that can make it difficult for them to expel sperm during sex.
Among the causes of infertility above, there are several other medical conditions that are also the cause of decreased fertility in men.
Untreated infections of the reproductive system or urinary tract can also cause infertility in men.
For example, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can cause decreased sperm motility. Repeated infections can cause scarring, which can block the passage of semen. Some sexually transmitted infections have no symptoms other than infertility.
Other medical conditions that can cause infertility are: anemia, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, Cushing’s syndrome, and thyroid disease.
How to Improve Sperm Quality
Not only for the success of the pregnancy program, healthy sperm quality also indicates a healthy body condition. Poor sperm quality can cause infertility in men. Even so, there are natural ways to increase sperm in men.
Consumption of antioxidants
Antioxidants are known as anticancer and heart antidotes. Who would have thought, antioxidants can also increase fertility in men. The researchers found that men who took antioxidants in supplement form had less risk of damaged sperm than men who did not take antioxidants. In addition, couples have a high chance of pregnancy when men take additional antioxidants.
There are many antioxidants that can be found in foods high in protein, vegetables, and fruits. Among them can be found in beef liver, green vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds.
Consumption of healthy food Healthy
food is not only good for maintaining a healthy body or weight. Changing the menu of healthy foods can also maintain male fertility. Healthy food consumed contains fiber, protein, carbohydrates, protein, and minerals.
The best source of protein will improve sperm quality. In addition to increasing sperm, consumption of healthy foods can also maintain ideal body weight. The reason is, if you are overweight or obese it can make fertility disturbed or infertility.
Choose lean protein sources (such as fish and chicken), plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit, healthy fats (such as olive oil and nuts), and whole grains.
Quit smoking
Quitting smoking is one way that can help improve sperm quality and maintain male fertility.
Studies have found that smoking affects many aspects of sperm health, including decreased sperm count, decreased sperm motility (sperm swimming ability), and sperm shape.
Smoking habits in men can also affect fertility in women. Researchers have found that smoking has a strong negative effect on treatment success in couples usingIVF withICSI fertility treatment.
In addition, women who are exposed to secondhand smoke have a lower IVF success rate and an increased risk of miscarriage.
Reduce alcohol consumption
One of the causes of infertility experienced by men is consuming excessive alcohol. Consuming too many alcoholic beverages can reduce male fertility.
A study of people with alcohol use disorders found that only 12% of men had completely normal sperm counts and health, compared to 37% of non-smokers and non-alcoholics.
Higher alcohol intake was associated with lower sperm counts, fewer normally shaped sperm, and poorer sperm motility.
Besides being good for health, regular exercise can increase testosterone levels and can increase fertility in men.
This is evidenced by the results of studies that men who exercise regularly have higher testosterone levels and better semen quality.
Conversely, avoid excessive strenuous exercise because excessive exercise can reduce testosterone levels.
Consumption of supplements and vitamins
In addition to eating healthy foods, it is better to take supplements and additional vitamins to increase fertility and improve sperm quality. One supplement that is good for consumption is D-aspartic acid (D-AA) which is a form of aspartic acid, an amino acid that is sold as a dietary supplement.
This is supported by research showing that D-AA supplements can increase testosterone levels, a male sex hormone that plays an important role in male fertility.
Ways to increase fertility can take vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc. It is no stranger that vitamin C has benefits for increasing immunity.
Some evidence suggests that taking antioxidant supplements, such as vitamin C, can improve fertility.
Just like vitamin C, vitamin D can be an important supplement for male and female fertility. Vitamin D is another nutrient that can increase testosterone levels.
One observational study showed that men who were deficient in vitamin D were more likely to have low testosterone levels.
Avoid Excessive Stress
Stress is not only a source of disease but can also inhibit fertility in men and women. If you want to plan a pregnancy program then the couple shouldavoid excessive stress.
Prolonged stress raises cortisol levels, which has a strong negative effect on testosterone. When cortisol goes up, testosterone levels tend to fall.
In times of stress, it is certainly difficult to find a good atmosphere. This also causes stress to reduce sexual satisfaction with a partner.
Male Fertility Check-Up
To find out the cause of infertility in men, an initial examination can be carried out through a fertility check. Fertility checks in men can be carried out in several stages, from analysis to physical tests in the form of biopsies and genetic tests.
The first stage of male fertility check is done by sperm analysis to determine the number and quality of sperm.
The next step during a male fertility check is a hormone test, which is done with a simple blood test to show levels of sex hormones such as Follicle Stimulating hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing hormone (LH).
The next step is to perform a testicular biopsy. A testicular biopsy will be done to check for problems with sperm production.
The stage carried out at the time of male fertility check is a genetic test. Genetic testing is done to check for genetic disorders that cause infertility.
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