
When you want to start a family and decide to consult with an expert, Bocah Indonesia is the best choice of fertility clinic to overcome all fertility problems and achieve an optimal pregnancy program.โ€‹
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What is Your Current

Klinik Bocah Indonesia Tangerang

Why Should You Choose
Bocah Indonesia?

All actions and treatment that you receive will be carried out at Bocah Indonesia. You don’t need to worry about having to go here and there because all types of treatment can be done at Bocah Indonesia

At Bocah Indonesia, we are trying to build a lab with international standards, like the place where I studied, namely Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. There, the IVF lab uses very optimal standards and we strive to match or even better.

– dr. Maitra Djiang Wen, Sp.And., Subsp. FER., M.ClinEmbryol

Our clinic is designed with your comfort and well-being as a priority. So that you don’t feel like you are visiting the hospital.

The Andrology Lab at Bocah Indonesia is led by specialist doctors who have years of experience.

Our Embryology Team is led by Dr. Maitra Djiang Wen, Sp. And, Subsp. FER, M. Clin Embryol. Master of Clinical Embryology is an academic degree awarded to doctors who are able to handle all types of Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) and laboratory management skills.

Dr. Pandji Sadar High End

Meet The Founder!

dr. Pandji Sadar, MBBS, AMPH


Apart from the high prevalence of infertility, love is the main foundation of Dr. Pandji Sadar in carrying out his noble mission to help married couples who want to have children soon. He has the desire to be a big part of the health revolution in Indonesia.

Since its presence on May 18 2019, Bocah Indonesia has been providing services to more than 18,000 couples who have fertility problems for more than four years. Bocah Indonesia provides comprehensive solutions for infertility problems in men and women with the help of experts and quality reliable methods.


IVF Cycle's Success Rate

(Bocah Indonesia, 2023)

Bocah Indonesia compare success rates with international reports from HFEA and VARTA. HFEA is the UK’s regulatory authority releasing annual IVF success rate reports. VARTA regulates Assisted Reproductive Technology in Australia, publishing similar reports. Both are independent bodies providing accurate success rates as benchmarks.

Bocah Indonesia’s success rates exceed HFEA 2022 data (July 2024), reporting 31% for Fresh Cycles and 36% for Frozen Cycles. Bocah Indonesia also surpasses VARTA 2023‘s average IVF success rates. VARTA’s 2023 report (June 2022-July 2023) shows 35.4% for Fresh and Frozen Cycles. According to PERFITRI 2017 data, Indonesia’s average IVF success rate is 29%.

Here are Bocah Indonesia’s success rates for 2023.

Mom's Age < 35
Successful Pregnancy*
0 %
Mom's Age 35-39
Successful Pregnancy*
0 %
Mom's Age โ‰ฅ 40
Successful Pregnancy*
0 %
Successful Pregnancy*
0 %

Age-specific success rates for Fresh Cycles according to HFEA 2022 are:

Mom's Age < 34
Successful Pregnancy*
0 %
Mom's Age 35-37
Successful Pregnancy*
0 %
Mom's Age 38-39
Successful Pregnancy*
0 %
Mom's Age 40-42
Successful Pregnancy*
0 %
Mom's Age 43-44
Successful Pregnancy*
0 %

*) The data is higher compared to the 2023 VARTA data

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Our Specialist

Enjoy room with design and function combined together

Bocah Indonesia have convenient interior design. The combination of good design and function provides comfort without compromising its function.

Administrasi Fertilitas bocah indonesia
Persiapan fertilitas bocah indonesia
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ruang tunggu bocah indonesia

Health Apps

Ovulation Calculator

Calculate your fertile period for a natural pregnancy program.

Body Mass Index

Calculate BMI to determine ideal body weight

Daily Calorie Calculator

Calculate your daily calories intake bassed on your activity


Google Reviews


Bocah indonesia has been highlighted by:

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Bocah Indonesia does not immediately offer the IVF program because at Bocah Indonesia it's considered as the last option.

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The success rate of the IVF program in Bocah Indonesia itself has reached 41%, which is an achievement itself.

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The #SadarSubur Package is a new service package recommended for NOVA friends who want to know about their fertility conditions.

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