Frustration, Overcoming Failed IVF

Frustration, Failed IVF Overcome

Failed IVF can lead to feelings of sadness, disappointment, and frustration. However, frustration can be promptly overcome..

Experiencing failure in an in vitro fertilization (IVF) program is not easy. Various feelings make couples reluctant to start trying to conceive again. Don’t worry, although it takes time, there are still opportunities for parents to succeed in the next cycle.

However, how to deal with feelings of frustration when experiencing failed IVF? Feelings of sadness and disappointment are natural, but parents do not need to be disheartened; taking a break before starting again is one way to help maximize the chances of success in the next IVF program.

In Vitro Fertilization Failure Experience

One of the couples who experienced failed IVF is Mother Dwi Nona and Father Nudin Al Firdos. This couple, who have been married for 7 years, began their pregnancy program at Bocah Indonesia in 2022.

Obstructive azoospermia experienced by the husband required Father Nudin to undergo Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA), a method for sperm retrieval using a small needle to penetrate the epididymis.

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This couple decided to undergo IVF because of the diagnosis given by the doctor. This condition also made Mother Dwi Nona and Father feel sad because the fetus did not develop in the first IVF cycle accompanied by an obstetrician-gynecologist, an andrology specialist, and an embryology expert.

“This journey is indeed not easy for us. After the first failed IVF, we decided to continue to strive to achieve our hope,” wrote Mother Dwi Nona in her Instagram post.

Having failed in the first IVF cycle did not make this couple despair in pursuing their dream of having children. They decided to continue the IVF program in 2023. The couple also admitted to being resigned to the outcome.

“This time we entrusted more to Allah, whatever the result. We believe that whatever His decree is the best for us,” she wrote.

Thanks to patience, effort, and never-ending prayers, happiness finally sided with this couple. Seven years of waiting bore fruit, two positive lines on the test pack became the answer to all prayers. They finally heard the first heartbeat of their future child.

So, that’s a little story from the long journey of Mother Dwi Nona and Father Nurdin who once experienced IVF failure. Sadness was felt but could be faced with sincerity until finally daring to start the next IVF cycle.

Parents, failing in the IVF process can lead to frustration. However, never give up because there is always hope for parents who continue to strive to achieve their dreams.

Do you have a similar experience, parents? Consult with a doctor before starting another IVF pregnancy program.


  • Smith, A., et al. (2015). Live-Birth Rate Associated with Repeat In Vitro Fertilization Treatment Cycles. JAMA. 2015;314(24):2654-2662. 
  • McLernon, DJ., et al. (2016). Cumulative live birth rates after one or more complete cycles of IVF: a population-based study of linked cycle data from 178 898 women. Human Reproduction, Volume 31, Issue 3, March 2016, Pages 572–581.

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