Every Effort to Succeed in Becoming a Father

Efforts for Successful Fatherhood

Not only the Mother, but the Father also plays an important role in the success of the pregnancy program. Let’s find out the father’s role in the pregnancy program here.

When a couple does not immediately have children after getting married, it is often the Mother who is first suspected of having issues. However, in reality, the Father’s role in the pregnancy program is just as important.

The quality of sperm, lifestyle, and understanding aspects such as the Father’s sexual habits play a crucial role in supporting the success of the ongoing pregnancy program.

Because not all men have optimal sperm quality and quantity to support pregnancy. In addition, often some Fathers may not realize how certain lifestyle factors can hinder pregnancy for their partner.

The Importance of the Father’s Role in a Pregnancy Program

To fulfill the desire of having a child, undergoing a pregnancy program with an obstetrician or consulting at a fertility clinic after a year of trying might be one solution.

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Not only the Mother, but the Father also needs to be present to achieve this shared dream. Here are some roles the Father plays in supporting the success of the Mother’s pregnancy:

1. Medical Consultation

The doctor will conduct a thorough examination to determine if the Father has any risk factors or medical conditions that could cause infertility. This includes checking for hormonal issues such as:

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hyperprolactinemia
  • Hypogonadism

Additionally, the doctor will review the Father’s medical history, including:

  • History of infections in the glands and genital tract
  • Systemic diseases
  • Use of certain medications

As well as the history of medical treatments or cancer that could potentially affect fertility. The doctor will also examine physical conditions, such as genetic disorders, undescended testicles, varicocele, or other genital tract disorders that could impact fertility.

Sexual disorders such as anejaculation or delayed ejaculation, retrograde ejaculation, or erectile problems will also be a focus of the examination, as they can be significant risk factors for infertility.

By conducting this examination, the doctor can identify possible causes of infertility and plan appropriate medical actions to assist the Father in the pregnancy program.

2. Lifestyle Changes

Fathers can play a crucial role in encouraging healthier lifestyle changes. This includes consuming nutritious foods rich in vitamins and minerals necessary to improve sperm quality. Avoiding smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, and maintaining a healthy weight can also positively contribute to reproductive health. Fathers should also avoid exposure to harmful substances that can damage sperm quality, such as pesticides or toxic chemicals.

3. Maintaining Reproductive Health

Maintaining reproductive health is an important step for fathers to support fertility and reproductive well-being. One step that can be taken is to avoid excessive heat exposure to the genital area. Hot saunas or jacuzzis can increase the temperature of the testicles above the optimal level, which can damage or disrupt sperm production.

Excessively high temperatures can hinder the development and quality of sperm, thereby reducing the likelihood of pregnancy. Therefore, avoiding excessive heat exposure, especially to the genital area, is an important step in maintaining reproductive health.

Additionally, fathers should avoid wearing overly tight underwear, as tight clothing can increase the temperature around the genital area, which can disrupt the optimal temperature for healthy sperm production. By choosing looser clothing, air can circulate better around the genital area, keeping the testicle temperature stable and helping to maintain optimal sperm quality.

4. Reducing Stress

Fathers can help Mothers reduce stress levels. Excessive stress can affect hormonal balance and reproductive function, which can interfere with fertility. Supporting Mothers emotionally and physically, sharing household responsibilities, and setting aside time to relax together can help reduce stress and create a more conducive environment for pregnancy.

5. Understanding the Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation

It’s important for fathers to learn and understand in detail about the menstrual cycle and ovulation experienced by mothers. By understanding this cycle, fathers will be better at recognizing when the mother’s fertile window occurs. Knowing when your partner is in their fertile period is crucial because this is the optimal time to plan sexual intercourse to increase the chances of pregnancy. Fathers can use various methods to more accurately identify the fertile period. One of them is using an ovulation calendar, where fathers and mothers can record the mother’s menstrual cycle each month and calculate the estimated time of ovulation based on the cycle pattern. Additionally, fathers can also use tools such as fertility test kits available in pharmacies. Ovulation kits can help detect the increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) levels that occur before ovulation, giving fathers a clearer indication of the mother’s fertile time.

6. Maintaining Communication with the Mother

The father’s role in maintaining communication with the mother has a significant impact on the success of pregnancy. By being a good listener and providing emotional support, fathers create an environment that allows mothers to feel supported and understood throughout the pregnancy journey. Furthermore, fathers can also actively participate in the decision-making process related to pre-pregnancy care, ensuring that mothers feel supported in every decision made. Through open communication, active involvement, and sharing responsibilities, fathers and mothers form a strong team in achieving a successful pregnancy.

In conclusion, by taking an active role in supporting pre-pregnancy preparation, fathers not only help increase the chances of pregnancy but also contribute to the health and well-being of the partner and the future baby. For fathers and mothers who might be struggling to conceive, it doesn’t hurt to start consulting with a gynecologist.

This article has been medically reviewed by Dr. Chitra Fatimah.


  • Xie, M., et al. (2018). Diurnal and seasonal changes in semen quality of men in subfertile partnerships. The Journal of Biological and Medical Rhythm Research, Volume 35, 2018 – Issue 10. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29913075/
  • Harris, I.D., et al. (2011). Fertility and the Aging Male. Rev Urol. 2011; 13(4): e184–e190. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22232567/
  • NHS UK (2017). Health A to Z. Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond for Dads and Partners. https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/labour-and-birth/what-happens/tips-for-your-birth-partner/
  • Cleveland Clinic. (2023). Dad-to-Be Guide: 10 Things To Do as You Prepare for Fatherhood https://health.clevelandclinic.org/preparing-for-fatherhood
  • WebMD (2019). Dad’s To-Do List: Getting Ready for Baby. https://www.webmd.com/baby/dads-to-do-list-getting-ready-for-baby

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