Diary of a Crazy Daughter-in-Law: The Struggle to Have Children

Diary of a Crazy Daughter-in-Law The Struggle to Have Children

A film that tells the story of the journey of a newlywed couple living with their in-laws.

One of the films suitable for Indonesian families to watch is Diary of a Crazy Daughter-in-Law, currently streaming on Netflix. Premiering on the subscription-based video-on-demand platform in July 2024, the film portrays a couple from Batak heritage, Sahat (played by Raditya Dika) and Minar (played by Ariel Tatum).

Directed by Sunil Soraya, this comedy-drama film is adapted from a novel of the same title.


Diary of a Crazy Daughter-in-Law follows the life of Sahat and Minar, a newly married couple. They live their days filled with love and affection, like most newlyweds enjoying the bliss of their early married life.

After their wedding, Minar and Sahat live with Sahat’s mother, referred to as Mamak Mertua (played by Lina Marpaung). At first, Sahat’s mother is overjoyed to have her son and daughter-in-law living with her. Unfortunately, the happiness slowly starts to fade as Sahat’s large and lively extended family frequently stirs up drama.

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Conflict begins to brew in the household, particularly due to Mamak Mertua’s desire for grandchildren. Meanwhile, Minar and Sahat have different priorities—they wish to delay having children to enjoy more time together as a couple.

This difference causes Mamak Mertua to push Sahat and Minar harder to try for children, including insisting they frequently engage in intimate relations. However, this creates discomfort for Minar and Sahat, especially in a home where privacy is scarce.

Two years into their marriage, Minar and Sahat show no signs of expecting a child, leading to persistent discussions and pressure from the mother-in-law. Adding to the tension, the couple is only permitted to move out of the house once Minar becomes pregnant.

Women Always Blamed

Tired of constantly being asked, “When will you have kids?” Sahat and Minar decide to consult a doctor. The results reveal that Minar’s reproductive health is normal, while Sahat is diagnosed with low sperm motility. This diagnosis leaves Sahat feeling devastated.

The film highlights how women are often unfairly blamed for not conceiving. Even after Minar’s test results showed her condition was normal, her mother-in-law continued to criticize her for not supporting her husband enough during this struggle.

Sahat’s diagnosis also impacts his psychological well-being, causing a strain in his relationship with Minar and reducing their communication. Moreover, his mother’s constant interference—such as giving Sahat herbal concoctions to improve his sperm motility—adds to the drama.

Overcoming Trials

Eventually, after enduring numerous trials and challenges, Minar experiences nausea and faints at a family gathering. She is rushed to the hospital, where tests confirm that she is pregnant.

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