Can You Get Pregnant at 40

Can You Get Pregnant at 40?

Ovum quality plays a significant role in the pregnancy process. Find out more about ovum quality at 40 here. Can you still conceive? The…

Addison's Disease – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Addison’s Disease – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Addison’s disease, or adrenal insufficiency, is a rare condition that occurs when the body does not produce certain hormones in adequate amounts. Addison’s disease…

Aspermia in Men Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Aspermia: Ejaculation Without Sperm

Aspermia, also known as dry orgasm, is a condition where a man ejaculates without releasing sperm. Aspermia may come and go on its own…

Insemination Tips for Couples with Fertility Challenges

Insemination Tips for Couples with Fertility Challenges

Couples facing fertility challenges may consider an artificial insemination program as an alternative. Here’s a complete guide and tips for preparing yourself to increase…

Hypospermia Low Semen Volume Condition in Men

Hypospermia: Low Semen Volume Condition in Men

Understanding Hypospermia and Its Impact on Male Fertility Hypospermia is a medical condition in which the semen volume released during ejaculation is less than…

Fertility Doctors and the Right Time for a Consultation

Understanding Fertility Doctors and When It’s the Right Time for Consultation

Consultations with fertility doctors are usually conducted for couples experiencing fertility issues or infertility problems. For parents-to-be who are planning to conceive, there may…

5 Health Issues Affecting Fertility

5 Health Issues Affecting Fertility

Fertility problems can be caused by many factors, one of which is the presence of certain medical conditions. Fertility problems, or infertility, are the…

Can Fragile X Syndrome Affect Fertility

Can Fragile X Syndrome Affect Fertility?

Fragile X Syndrome is a genetic disorder that can affect fertility, especially in women. Have you ever heard of Fragile X Syndrome? This condition…

Detoxifying the Body Before Pregnancy

Detoxifying the Body Before Pregnancy

Detoxification is a way to eliminate toxins from your body. Find out the importance of detoxifying the body before pregnancy here. Detoxifying before entering…

Koriokarsinoma Kanker yang terkenal “angker”

Choriocarcinoma: The Notorious “Frightening” Cancer

Choriocarcinoma is a rare type of cancer that develops from the cells that form the placenta during pregnancy. It is a rare but aggressive…

Understanding the Menstrual Phases in Women

Understanding the Menstrual Phases in Women, Don’t Forget the Fourth One

The menstrual cycle is a natural monthly process that prepares a woman’s body for potential pregnancy. You may think that the menstrual cycle only…

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