Hormonal Disorders That Affect the Quality and Function of Ova

Hormonal Disorders That Affect the Quality and Function of Ova

Hormonal disorders can affect the quality and function of ova, which in turn can influence fertility and the chances of pregnancy. Hormones such as…

Can You Get Pregnant at 40

Can You Get Pregnant at 40?

Ovum quality plays a significant role in the pregnancy process. Find out more about ovum quality at 40 here. Can you still conceive? The…

Does Age Affect the Quality and Quantity of Ovum

Does Age Affect the Quality and Quantity of Ovum?

As age increases, a woman’s body undergoes various changes, including those related to reproduction. One of the most significant changes occurs in the ovum…

10 Types of Food to Improve Egg Quality

10 Types of Food to Improve Egg Quality

Ten types of food that can enhance egg quality to support your pregnancy program (promil). Let’s explore the details! Many couples face difficulties in…

What is Anovulation Causes of Failed Egg Fertilization

Understanding Anovulation: Causes of Failed Egg Fertilization and Factors Affecting Pregnancy

There are many factors that can make it difficult for couples to conceive. One of the main causes is the failure of the egg…

400 IVF Babies Born at Bocah Indonesia Clinic, Bringing Joy with Premium Technology.

400 IVF Babies Born, A New Happiness Engraved

After four years of operation, Bocah Indonesia has successfully facilitated the birth of 400 IVF babies from couples struggling with infertility. This figure has…

6 Factors That Affect Ovum Quality

6 Factors That Affect Ovum Quality

The ovum, or egg cell, plays a crucial role in a woman’s reproductive system. Ovarian health significantly impacts the quality of the ovum, which…

What Are Ovaries and The Role of Ovaries in IVF

What Are Ovaries? and The Role of Ovaries in IVF

In an in vitro fertilization (IVF) program, ovarian health plays a crucial role in determining success. Many couples who have been married for a…

Managing Stress During Pregnancy A Relaxation Guide for Moms and Dads

Managing Stress During Pregnancy: A Relaxation Guide for Moms and Dads

Moms and Dads, becoming parents is both exciting and nerve-wracking. Discover relaxation techniques for expectant parents. Feeling anxious about stepping into parenthood is completely…

Comprehensive Guide to Artificial Insemination Preparation

Comprehensive Guide to Artificial Insemination Preparation: Steps to Increase Pregnancy Success

Before undergoing the artificial insemination procedure, parents should prepare themselves as best as possible. Here is a preparation guide for pregnancy through insemination. Undergoing…

Understanding the Morulation Process in Embryogenesis

Understanding the Morulation Process in Embryogenesis

The morulation process is a critical stage in embryogenesis, and various factors can influence its success. Morulation is one of the early and crucial…

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