17 Years of Unexplained Infertility, Positive with Natural Pregnancy

Unexplained infertility is a fairly common case experienced by married couples, causing difficulty in conceiving.
Unexplained infertility is a condition where a married couple has undergone examinations and declared normal but has not succeeded in having children. According to a study published in the Journal of Reproduction and Infertility, it is stated that 30% of infertility cases worldwide are diagnosed with unexplained infertility.
According to Dr. Cynthia Agnes Susanto, BMedSc, SpOG, an obstetric and gynecologic specialist at Bocah Indonesia, cases of unexplained infertility occur in 2 percent of infertility cases.
“Unexplained is a condition where during the examination, we do not find any abnormalities, either in women or men. So both are really normal, but it occurs in two percent of infertility cases,” said Dr. Cynthia.
According to this, Dr. Cynthia mentioned that the examination of both partners is important. If both partners have undergone all basic examinations and no problems or disorders are found, further examinations will be conducted.
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“So, the first examination for women is ultrasound, the second is HSG. The third for men is sperm examination, if possible, followed by examination of DNA fragmentation Index. If indeed no abnormalities are found, then we proceed to the next examination. Sometimes, ‘unexplained’ turns out to be ‘it’s not unexplained after all’ after we conduct further examinations,” she said.
The Story of Father Caslani and Mother Iin Who Experienced Unexplained Infertility
Father Caslani and Mother Iin are a couple from Cirebon. This couple has been waiting for a baby for 17 years of marriage. They have been trying to conceive since the third to the fifth year of marriage. They have even undergone examinations with two different doctors.
“We had previously tried conception. Even I went to Cirebon for 2 doctors and they were famous doctors. The first one was almost 2 years, the second one and a half years, but we were not blessed with a child,” said Father Caslani.
After undergoing examinations, they were declared healthy and did not have fertility problems. This also puzzled the doctor.
“Alhamdulillah, we are all healthy. Even the doctor was puzzled, the husband is healthy, the wife is also healthy but why hasn’t it been successful (to conceive),” he added.
This condition has made the couple, who have been married for 17 years, feel sad because of pressure from family and people around them.
In order to wait for the arrival of a baby, this couple even underwent insemination programs twice. However, luck did not favor them as the conception did not succeed.
“We even underwent insemination twice but still did not succeed,” said Father Caslani.
However, their strong determination to have children kept this couple enthusiastic in supporting and strengthening each other.
After being declared unsuccessful with insemination, Father Caslani and Mother Iin decided to undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF). Until finally, they chose Bocah Indonesia for their conception plan.
“Well, maybe it was the last resort. We even considered IVF. Finally, we started searching on Instagram and eventually found Bocah Indonesia,” said Mother Iin.
After undergoing a series of basic examinations at Bocah Indonesia, this couple planned to start their IVF program in August 2022. However, before they could start the IVF process, they experienced indescribable happiness: two positive lines.
“There were preparations from the doctor, we were scheduled for IVF in August. (Pregnant before starting IVF) Alhamdulillah, but at that time it was unbelievable,” said Father Caslani and Mother Iin.
The long journey of Father Caslani and Mother Iin ended happily. Traveling from Cirebon to Tangerang, the 17-year wait bore sweet fruit. This couple also provides support and messages for other two-line fighters.
“If you want to conceive, don’t blame each other, whether it’s the wife or the husband. Basically, the husband also still has to be examined together. It’s not certain that only the wife is at fault. Whatever weaknesses are found in the wife or husband, let’s find the solution together with the doctor,” concluded Father Caslani.
Thus, the inspiring story of Father Caslani and Mother Iin, who have been married for 17 years and successfully conceived through natural pregnancy. Never feel ashamed or afraid if you, as parents, are diagnosed with infertility. Immediately consult a doctor to get the right treatment and solution.
Want to experience happiness like this couple? Consult now!
This article has been medically reviewed by Dr. Chitra Fatimah.
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